Casino News

Civic Leagues of Norfolk Wondering about the Vote for Proposed Casino

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In Norfolk, there was a survey on the proposed casino which was launched by Larchmont Edgewater, a civic league on her social media platforms. Now, as a result, two questions are circulated currently by the civic leagues in the survey. Some people think whether the casino will have a positive impact on the city or not. On the other hand, some people are thinking about the decision of the city council to open the casino as soon as possible.

Andria McClellan, a councilwoman, said that she has a lot of unanswered queries in her mind with this exciting deal. There is no such survey issued by the civic league to this situation that has been publicized.

 McClellan said that they arrange for the public hearing for small issues regularly for civic leagues. It helps in getting information and opinions from the public about the topic. That’s why they had done the same with this topic.

In December 2018, an announcement was made about the idea of a $700 million resort adjacent to the Harbor Park. But recently, the terms of the deal were made public.

Mayor Kenny Alexander said that they understand the impact of revenue but what about the social impact on the casino that was not yet addressed tonight. They are asking city managers to come up with their team and answers too.

 McClellan said that she needs more information about the economic impact on downtown and what else going on in the downtown businesses.

A vote to transfer the land will follow a public hearing on Tuesday at 7 PM in Norfolk City Hall. According to the current plans, there will be 3,500-4,500 slot machines, up to 225 table games, 3-5 on-site restaurants, entertainment facility, spa, and waterfront promenade. It is estimated that the city will have $5 million of revenue annually.

If the city council of Norfolk approves the deal of land on September 24, 2019, then the Pamunkey will pay $100,000 a year for up to 5 years to reserve the city land and until it is approved to open a casino.

The economic development director said that if the bill is approved by the lawmakers in the next legislative session, then the majority of people in Norfolk will approve in 2020. After that, the Pamunkey could open a commercial casino by 2022.

David Bright

David Bright joined Times of Casino as a news writer focused on the casino industry. He holds a bachelor degree in Economics and Accounting and currently contributing in-depth news articles. David writes on the casinos, gambling legislation, poker, and much more.

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