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Football Tribunal Report Published After a Year of Operation

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FIFA published the first-ever edition of the Football Tribunal Report, highlighting 14,540 cases, inquiries, and applications. The Football Tribunal Report covers activities for 1 year, starting on July 01, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2022.

Football Tribunal Report contains the work of the Players’ Status Department in the division of legal & compliance. The division performs its roles and functions as a secretariat to the Football Tribunal.

Odds and analytics presented on any football betting site are less likely to be affected by the Football Tribunal Report; however, reviewing selections carefully before placing the bet is recommended.

Of 14,540 cases, 605 have been noted towards contractual disputes submitted to the Players’ Status Chamber. The rest of the cases have been noted as follows:-

  • The Dispute Resolution Chamber received 3,369 cases specifically for claims for solidarity contribution, training compensation, and employment-related disputes.
  • 10,566 issues related to registration and eligibility.

The Football Tribunal Report highlighted a major spike in the minors’ registration numbers. The number went up by 144.1% compared to the previous year, which is 2020/2021.

While the FIFA Congress had announced plans to establish a Football Tribunal in May 2021, it was only on October 01, 2021, when the tribunal began its operations. The objective was to deliver a modern decision-making mechanism to match the current times and efficiently for a quicker resolution.

Improvements were at the center when the tribunal was announced with emphasis majorly on:-

  • A mediation process that is free & voluntary
  • Preliminary procedural matters backed by expedited processes
  • Specific procedural rules govern regulatory applications without any bias

As per the sports news, The Football Tribunal is said to comprise three chambers according to Article 54. These three chambers are the Players’ Status Chamber, the Dispute Resolution Chamber, and the Agents Chamber.

Many improvements are yet to be implemented in line with the vision of FIFA for 2020-2023. Therefore, FIFA will continue to modernize its regulatory framework and dispute resolution mechanism. All this will be done while maintaining the highest quality for football stakeholders, equally balancing the aspects of transparency and traceability.

The Players’ Status Chamber, formerly known as the Players’ Status Committee, received 605 cases. Although the number is down from the previous year, which stood at 654, it is still more than in the previous three years: 2017/2018, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020. Numbers for these years stood as 300, 355, and 501, respectively.

Claim resolution has been delivered as well by the said chamber. 568 claims were resolved in 2021/2022, a fall compared to 2020/2021 when the number was 681. Claims resolved for 2017/2018, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020 were 317, 269, and 618, respectively.

All the claims were resolved for different reasons, with Decided Upon leading the pack with 59.9%. The category is followed by Closed For Other Reasons with 21.8% and Proposal Accepted with 18.3%.

More information can be reviewed in the first version of the Football Tribunal Report that is available on the official website of FIFA.

Maxine Klingensmith

Maxine holds a bachelor degree in journalism, and she has worked as a freelance writer with foremost publications. Recently, Maxine has joined our team as a news editor. As she is passionate for casino and gambling industry, she conventionally contributes the latest news and reviews for casinos.

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