
Gambling Commission to set up an Industry Forum

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The Gambling Commission has made the decision to establish an Industry Forum, which will work toward giving them a better perspective on the general opinion of the operators. The Forum’s membership will be composed of notable figures from the gaming sector in Britain.

According to Marcus Boyle, the Chairman of the Commission, they have been actively trying to gauge the mood of the gambling industry and looking into matters of concern. Nevertheless, through this Forum, they will be able to obtain yet another perspective, which is important and required in order to move things forward. After all, in his opinion, they are the authorities in charge of regulating the gambling industry.

The Forum will be aided by a retinue of stakeholders as well as advisory bodies in order to make their exercise more accountable. This will have their Live Experience Advisory Panel, along with their Advisory Board for Safer Gambling and the Digital Advisory Panel.

Further to this, there will be the involvement of their consumer research and their connections with global regulators and consumer study companies. The Forum will be collectively looking closely into matters related to account management, consultation activities, and the data program of the Commission itself.

The Commission has decided to hire a Chairman for the Forum who will be required to serve a three-year term. There will also be the hiring of more people with the gambling industry’s know-how, along with its obstacles and options that can be set forth. The figure they have decided on will not exceed ten members. The entire process of hiring will commence in September 2023.

Edna Boykin

Edna Boykin started her career as a financial news writer. And, she was withal active in stock trading. From the commencement of her vocation, she is passionate about online poker games. As she likes to play poker and roulette, she knows the casino industry exhaustively. She recently joined Times of Casino as a news writer. She regularly contributes in-depth breaking stories and news updates of the casino industry.

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