Casino News

Hokkaido Refrains Its Bid to Host Casino Amidst the Environment Concerns

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The Hokkaido governor spoke on Friday that the prefecture would not be continuing the bid to build a casino resort in light of new liberal gambling laws by Japan. The laws had been formulated to do away the local concerns regarding the environmental impact of the project.

The ruling came from the Japanese Governor, Naomichi Suzuki. The Hokkaido assembly is likely changing the course of the race to host the integrated resorts incorporating a big hotel with conference rooms as well as gambling areas. The complexes will be opening up by next year’s mid.

Till now, the city of Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Yokohama, Wakayama Prefecture & Nagasaki Prefecture is on the list of bidders. Besides them, the cities of Chiba, Tokyo, and Nagoya are foreseen to be the additional bidders.

Suzuki announced in Japan’s northern main island prefectural assembly that,

Suzuki announced that

The government is to choose up to three locations where casino resorts will have the permit to open up after approving formal petitions through 7 months starting January 2021.

The government of Hokkaido is examining a strategy to start a casino resort close to New Chitose Airport, in Tomakomai. But local civilians raised concerns regarding the effects of construction on natural reserves and areas like Lake Utonai area and the wildlife sanctuary. These are already on the convention list of Ramsar as a part of the internationally crucial wetlands.

According to the Japanese law that legalized casino gambling last year, the no. of resorts were expected to increase from 3. But it could take seven years following the approval of initial successful bidders.

But the fact is, the government of Japan needs casino resorts for a flourishing future. These resorts also include hotels bigger than Tokyo’s luxury hotels along with a convention center that can accommodate 3,000 headcounts with a 60,000m. sq. of exhibition space.

Hence, the government will pick cities that are most likely to be attractions for tourists. It is expected to lure 60 million foreign tourists by 2030. Amidst all this, it will also strive to resolve concerns around gambling, by limiting visits per person for the Japanese Citizens.

Janice Graziano

Janice has joined Times of Casino team as a casino news writer. Along with writing, she is additionally a content manager. Janice has over five years of experience in inscribing. Her zealousness for casino and online gaming draw her to casino industry. In her spare time, she relishes playing online poker games.

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