Kindbridge and Playtech Launch Unique Research Partnership for Gambling Problems

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Online gambling is quickly racking support globally, but its complications still cause trouble. That is why Kindbridge and Playtech have joined hands to launch unique research to treat gambling-related issues. The ventures will create an evidence-based ecosystem that identifies and treats gambling issues.
Both Kindbridge and Playtech hold an esteemed stature in the gambling sector. However, their roles are strikingly different from each other. While Playtech is a popular gambling technology firm, Kindbridge is known for its digital mental health solutions for gamers and gamblers.
The upcoming groundbreaking research initiative will take place in the Kingbridge research Institute. It will enhance the technology used to understand and treat issues related to gambling and virtual dependency. The primary focus of the research will be to provide treatment tools within a digital environment.
The research institute has already stationed Rutgers University’s Center for Gambling Studies (New Jersey) to establish evidence-based telehealth models. The models will assess the competency of the treatments and support modules developed with the research.
The institute will utilize its findings to offer valuable data and peer-based research. Plus, the research’s findings will be based on a large population scale and size.
Mor Weizer (CEO of Playtech) stated that joining hands with the Rutgers University and Kindbridge will offer critical help to the gambling virtual health sector. It will reveal premium mental wellbeing support modules and digital health solutions for individuals suffering from gambling-related activities. The Playtech team is pleased to collaborate with two esteemed ventures to become the pioneer of the next-gen gambling support solutions and treatment in the United States.
Kindbridge has ties with US casino operators, social impact organizations, and insurance companies. These ties will be used to eradicate the barriers restructuring gamers and gamblers from accessing telehealth solutions that can improve their mental wellbeing.
Using the support, the research institute will also analyze user data and cross-check it with the data from clinic networks. As a result, it will help the institute understand the origin of potential harmful gaming and gambling tendencies.
The institute will then define custom approaches using the results from the analysis. With this, any gambler or gamer suffering from mental health issues will get the required help in a preferred manner. The expected ETA for the entire research and development process is 18 to 24 months.
Kindbridge’s CEO Daniel Umfleet stated that using data from multiple reliable sources will reveal meaningful insights regarding the situation. In addition, the institute will garner the data from a large scale to access an extensive understanding of the harm posed by gaming and gambling.
In Conclusion
Playtech and Kindbridge have joined hands to launch unique research regarding the harms of gaming and gambling. The research is expected to be wrapped up in 2 years and will reveal useful insights to help people suffering from gambling-related activities.