Leading Poker Forum Announces Launch of Hand Converter and Hand Replayer
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Renowned poker forum CardsChat.com has decided to go ahead with the much-awaited debut of its Hand Converter and Hand Replayer here on Tuesday.
The Hand Converter and Hand Replayer underwent rigorous testing performed by a team of leading industry experts. Both the tools are equipped with features that have been particularly designed to cater to the interest of poker players of all abilities.
When it comes to CardsChat’s Hand Converter, it possesses the capacity of converting your hand history into text, forum code or you can glance it in hand replayer. Hand Converter can support 19 poker games without any hassle. It also supports hand histories from 20 separate sites and networks.
To the immense relief of poker players, the Hand Converter lets them upload and share their hands in a convenient manner in such a design wherein others can read and pass necessary comments on them. It is ideal for those poker players who love to trade advice and discuss plans in discussion rooms such as CardsChat’s forum.
When it comes to CardsChat’s Replayer, it will allow you to review the hands you played and experience the game yet again in animation. With the help of this tool, the poker players will be able to share their replay footage on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Or they can just share the URL of their hand replay. This tool will go a long way in enhancing the strategy and assist players in learning from their rivals.
CardsChat.com has emerged as a leading global poker community.