Casino News

Lifting the Mask Mandate Returns Nevada Casinos to Normalcy

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In an interview on Thursday following the governor’s announcement, Stephen Thayer, general manager of The Strat, said that it had been an exciting day and difficult to believe that, while the pandemic is not yet over, it is an excellent start towards re-establishing normalcy.

Following the governor’s statement, the Nevada Gaming Control Board issued new instructions to gaming operators on Thursday stating that people inside casinos are no longer required to wear masks.

According to the notice from Control Board Chairman Brin Gibson, under Gov. Sisolak’s Emergency Directive 052, no individual is needed to wear a mask in public indoor settings in licensed gaming establishments. This is to be followed immediately unless a local jurisdiction continues to impose such a requirement. Additionally, the board expects licensees to comply fully if a licensee is subject to a local jurisdiction’s rule regarding masks.

Thayer said the decision to repeal the law might immediately improve tourism in the state, particularly with the Super Bowl celebrations just days away. Additionally, he noted that it should assist in reviving large gatherings and foreign tourism.

Additionally, the repeal of the regulation means that people will no longer be required to inform guests to put on their masks, which Thayer said is a massive relief for workers.

Thayer said nobody wants to be the “mask police” and tell people to take their masks off while they’re having fun, which lets their workers focus on what they do best in Las Vegas and at The Strat, which is focusing on the customer experience and guest service.

Thayer also repeated the governor’s call in his statement for people to be compassionate toward individuals who chose to wear a mask in public.

He emphasized their commitment to accommodating and respecting anyone who wants to wear masks, whether staff or visitors. Additionally, he stated that everyone has their own set of standards for what they feel comfortable doing and respects those expectations.

The Culinary Union Local 226, which represents over 60,000 hospitality workers in Nevada, stated that some businesses continue to require employees to wear masks and asked the public to respect those who want to do so.

According to the union, if any workers continue wearing their masks while at work, they should be treated with tolerance and respect.

Other industry insiders expressed support for Sisolak’s Thursday declaration.

Virginia Valentine, the president as well as the CEO of the Nevada Resort Association, praised the governor’s move, stating that it was a significant step forward. They are encouraged to see that health indices are improving and view today’s statement as another step toward normalcy. They anticipate Nevada’s complete economic recovery. She continued by stating that the resort business would always adhere to all state and municipal COVID rules and recommendations to guarantee the health and safety of its personnel and visitors.

MGM CEO and President Bill Hornbuckle revealed in a letter to the business’s workers that the company had amended its regulations to reflect that masks are no longer needed at any of its resort sites in Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, Ohio, or New York.

Hornbuckle stated that people who desire to continue wearing masks would be permitted.

He said that, like everyone else, he expects to see things return to normalcy after more than two years. He is overjoyed to see all of the faces of the staff and guests, as it has been much too long.

John Scott

John Scott joined the Times of Casino’s team as a news writer. He previously worked with foremost publications as an intern. He holds bachelor of journalism degree and more than three years of experience of writing. In his free time, he enjoys travelling different places.

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