
Timaru District Council Takes Measures to Reduce Gaming Machines

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In the past 15 years, there has been a decline in the number of gaming machines in the Timaru District. The Problem Gambling Foundation, however, says, “but more could be done to ensure the decline of the machine.”

The Timaru District Council is currently mulling over the idea of a Gambling Venue Policy, which, if introduced, would limit the number of machines at a venue to a maximum of seven. The policy allows existing gambling venues who have less than seven gaming machines to increase the number to seven. The Council is inviting the opinion of all the Community members regarding this controversial policy.

Public submissions received regarding the policy, display a mixed reaction. Gaming Machine Industry Association chairman Bruce Robertson in his submission said that,

Gaming Machine Industry Association chairman Bruce Robertson Said

Robertson said attrition of community funding infrastructure was the reason behind rejection of grant applications,

Robertson said

However, spokesperson of Problem Gambling Foundation, Andree​ Froude, said the policy does not have far-reaching results, and a “sinking lid” approach needs to be adapted.

Froude said,

Andree​ Froude, said

According to her, the “sinking lid” approach does not result in the disappearance of gaming machines overnight. She also acknowledged that these venues brought funds into the community, but she also underlined the social cost that the community had to bear.

Maxine Klingensmith

Maxine holds a bachelor degree in journalism, and she has worked as a freelance writer with foremost publications. Recently, Maxine has joined our team as a news editor. As she is passionate for casino and gambling industry, she conventionally contributes the latest news and reviews for casinos.

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